
Monday, November 8, 2010

Artwork Re-do

This past weekend, my husband and I cleaned out the garage. We have been in our house for a year now, and there were still boxes needing to be unpacked. So unpack we did, and I found some things that I forgot I owned. It was like Christmas. But the best finds were all the artwork (if you want to call it that), that no longer fit with out decor. My creative juices started flowing and I immediately knew a project I wanted to complete ASAP.
I turned this:

Into this:

A new repurposed Calendar and To Do list for my desk. I love Dry Erase boards, but they are so BORING. This is definitely far from boring. It is really simple in it's design, but the colors really pop. I won't lie, the bright yellow had me a bit skeptical while I was painting. I thought it may be a bit too bright and too Yellow. Once I put it on the wall, I knew it was perfect. It was just the pop of color my blue walls needed. Sometimes the blue can seem a bit dark and dreary. (The walls were this color when we moved it. With the ceiling peak at over 16 feet, it isn't in our plan to change anytime soon.) 

To make this little beauty, I sanded down the frame (which wasn't wood), painted a couple coats of white and then a couple of coats of yellow. I used acrylic paint because that is what I have on hand. I would have preferred to use primer and then spray paint. 

I wrapped the picture in blue fabric, which gives a great texture. (Unfortunately you can't see this in the photos.) I drew the calendar and to-do list on poster board which I then taped on to the fabric. Love double sided tape. I recommend measuring your frame and then sketch it on graph paper before you start drawing your calendar. This way you know what measurements you want it to be. 

I then used scraps of fabric to make some rosettes and glued them to the frame. I feel it helps break up the yellow, just a little, and I love to add embellishments. 

I hope you like it as much as I do. Hope you are having a happy Monday!

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